2-(Holy Supper). "Danger of falling into Idolatry and worship of demons"


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Greetings beloved. This is Milton Alonso Granados transmitting for the Eternal Gospel of the Beginning and End of the Ages and for the International University School of the Eternal Gospel®767.


The apostle Paul and the sacrament.

Danger of falling into apostasy and worship of demons.


In First Corinthians chapter 10, this entire chapter, the apostle Paul talks about two of the most important doctrines of Christianity, which have to do with Baptism in Waters and the sacrament.


But also in Colossians, the Apostle Paul speaks about the column, the foundation of Judaic or Israeli belief; for them the importance of food and drink. The feast days, the New Moon, and the Sabbath were incalculable. It was of great value.


And the apostle Paul says in Colossians 2:16. Therefore, let no one judge you on food or drink or on feast days, new moon, or Sabbaths, all of which are shades of what is to come.


What the apostle Paul says is: That which was to come was in front of the eyes of the people of Israel, but they still had their eyes on what had happened, and then he says: "It is time to understand what we have today, it is time to look away from the past and what has already happened and put it in the present,  in consummation and fulfillment.


This is why, then, for the apostle, resting and relying excessively on symbols was a form of idolatry, and it was a form of worship of demons (we will look at that later).


But the apostle Paul speaks here of food, speaks of due, and speaks also of a New Moon; let's look at what this New Moon has to do with Jewish belief.


·        The importance of the New Moon, of the full Moon.

In Exodus chapter 12 verse 2, it says: This month will be the beginning of the months for you. For you this will be the first in the months of the year.


The Jewish calendar regulates the months according to the Moon, as the Talmud says, also called the collection of sayings of the sages. "The other nations count, according to the Sun; but Israel counts for the Moon." That's in Volume, or part of, Suka 29a.


So, the nations count the days through the Sun, but the Talmud says, "Israel does it through the Moon." Our culture uses the Gregorian calendar or calendar approved by Pope Gregory VIII in 1582, and is based on solar motion.


·        (Psalm 104:19 – He made the moon for the times)


The Latin American Bible translates as follows, you put The Moon for the calendar, other versions say: You put the moon to mark the seasons, or you put the moon to measure time.


The interesting thing is that we can realize here, that, for the Jews; for the people of Israel, the moon was of great importance; because the New Moon marked the beginning of all their feasts.


The new moon marked the beginning of the deliverance of the people Israel from Egypt, the new moon marks the beginning of the passover celebration, it was the beginning of all the feasts that the people of Israel celebrated to their God.


In the Talmud, the person who blesses the New Moon at the fixed time (or when it appeared) is compared to someone who greets God Himself. That's fine all Sanhedrin 42a. That is, when the new moon came out, and that person looked at it for the first time and greeted it, it was as if he were greeting God Himself.


Yes, it was bliss, it was lucky to have looked at the New Moon! That, it appeared, the new moon came out! and they greeted her, for them it was, the blessing of God Himself; because it was like greeting God. That's what the Talmud says.


Now, I remind you again of the importance, and why the Apostle Paul begins to say no one judge you by food or drink, or by Sabbaths, or by new moon.


All of this was very important to the people of Israel, but there was something more important that had happened, and they were not realizing it.


That is precisely what the subject is about, of us, to look at what had happened at that time and what has happened in the consummation of time, in the fulfillment of the promise.


In Jesus' words when he said consummated it is, what had been consummated? And why was it so important then to be able to fix one's gaze on compliance and take it away from what had already happened?


What had happened had its glory, it had its greatness, but it was already a past event. And, if that past was hindering Israel from understanding its present, then there was a form of idolatry there.



·        The Sanhedrin and the Moon


The Sanhedrin was composed of 70 sages, plus the priest, that is, 71 people. They expected at least 2 witnesses to arrive with the news of having seen the new moon appear; After listening to these witnesses, the Sanhedrin warned throughout the land of Israel and beyond that the new month had begun.


That is, everyone realized, that the new month, the month of months, the beginning of the year had come for the people of Israel. A representative of the Sanhedrin lit a large torch at the top of the Mount of Olives.


The people who saw the fire, from the nearby mountains lit their own torches, in this way, the news of the new moon was scattered in the distance.


A torch was then lit on the Mount of Olives; and each one who looked at that torch, lit a new torch, a new fire; so that all the people, Israel, would realize then, that the New Moon had arrived and the beginning of the feasts had already arrived.


That witness had come to the Sanhedrin, and the Sanhedrin along with the Priest then approved "that someone had seen the new moon for the first time," and then, from there, all the people of Israel realized.


Colossians 2:16 says, Therefore no one judges you, in food or drink, or as to feast days, new moon, or Sabbaths, all of which were shadows or are shadows of what is to come.


All that symbolized, all that pointed to a place, pointed to a fulfillment, and the apostle Paul says to believers, if you are not aware of that today, if you have already looked away from that: if the moon appeared, or did it not seem? let no one judge us for that!


Because all that was a shadow. The meals, the drinks, which refer here to Easter, the feasts of the New Moon, of the Sabbaths. All this was a figure, it was a shadow, of what had already been consummated.


2 Corinthians 5:16 says, So that we henceforth know no one according to the flesh, according to the times, according to the shadows, according to that Age; and even if we knew Christ according to the flesh, we no longer know Him that way.


2 Corinthians 11:4. For if one comes preaching another Jesus, that the one we have preached to you, or another gospel, you well tolerate it; there had been a clash there.


Something new had happened in the people of Israel; there had been a change of dispensation, there had been a fulfillment. Something that had happened spiritually, and that many had not realized.



Because of this many believers followed the ancient system of the Gospel of the Kingdom or Gospel to Circumcision that was for the people of Israel, and the apostle Paul came with the Gospel of Grace and Fulfillment, based on the words of the one who said, "It is finished."


There was a consummation, there was an inheritance, there was a fulfillment; and the apostle Paul called the attention of believers so that they would know what the fulfillment had been; and do not yet rest in the symbols and shadows of that which had been great, but which only pointed to a glory that had already come.


And the apostle Paul, referring to this transition and the "doctrinal conflicts" that resulted from his teaching, says, "And I think that in no way have I been inferior to those great apostles."


Certainly, the apostle Paul had been the one who was called as an abortifacient, the last of the apostles.  John Looks only at 12 doors, not 13, and apostle Paul was apostle number 13, so God called him with a purpose and this man was able to look at something, which many of his companions had not been able to see, and that was fulfillment.


And that's where he pivots when it comes to saying, "I'm talking to you as sensible." Analyze for yourselves, judge for yourselves, what I am telling you, and admonish you against idolatry.


1 Corinthians 10:1. Because I don't want brothers and sisters to ignore that our parents, all of them, were under the cloud and all passed the sea and all in Moses, were baptized in the cloud and in the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink.


In these two passages, the apostle Paul is talking about Baptism in Waters, and he is talking about the sacrament. Again, he says to the Corinthians, "I don't want you to ignore that our fathers were under the cloud, and they all passed the sea."


The sea had been the sea that freed them, that saved him when Pharaoh was chasing them.  The sea had been what had saved Noah and his family, when that lost generation had been brought to trial.


And the apostle Paul says, "I don't want you to ignore." Verse 2 "and all in Moses were what? baptized in the cloud and in the sea. Baptized (number 1), and in verse 3 of first Corinthians 10 it says: "And they all ate the same spiritual food and all drank the same spiritual drink.


The apostle: "He is speaking then of these two doctrinal foundations. The problem here was the overconfidence, reverence, or almost worship, of what was a symbol.



In such a way that they looked away from the fulfillment, from the consummation, from what the symbols pointed out, from the true meaning that was Christ and his inheritance and his great Salvation.


1 Corinthians 10:5. "But god did not please the others, so they were prostrate in the wilderness." That is, the apostle Paul says, "Look, though they walked under the cloud, though they crossed the sea; though they ate and drank, though they were baptized. Although they participated in the supper, of the most of them, the Lord was not pleased and they were prostrate in the wilderness."


That is, what he says is: Do not trust the symbols, because if they were not saved by the symbols, neither will the symbols! That which was a shadow, remember? Therefore, he says: Let no one judge you by food or drink, let no one judge you by the Sabbath; let no one judge you by New Moon.


All that was, figure or shadow of the things that are to come.


The people of Israel had their trust in symbols, in water baptism. Of course, they said, "We were saved in Pharaoh's sea, we were saved or covered in a cloud and baptized into God. And so we are children of Abraham. But they were ignoring the realities of The Consummation and placing more value on the Symbols.


In Numbers 14:29, it says, "In this wilderness your bodies will fall, you to the truth, you will not enter the earth, except Caleb and Joshua.


That is, those Fathers: "Although they partake of Baptism and the Supper." What the Apostle Paul is saying is, "Of them, he did not please."


So, were there what? "They stayed in the desert, they were halfway there, and they didn't enter the promised land." The symbols were of no use to him, because they did not reach consummation and fulfillment.


In the Exegetical and Explanatory Commentary on the Bible. Page 381 reads as follows: Just as the Israelites had the water of the Peña "which corresponds to baptism." They also had manna, which corresponds "to the other of the two ceremonies of Christianity; the Lord's Supper."


1 Corinthians 10:6 - But these things happened as an example for us, that we may not covet evil things as they coveted.


"We're still in the same first chapter of Corinthians 10, which is talking about the Supper, and which is talking about Baptism, and which is talking about the Symbols, and which is talking about the story of what happened to the people of Israel.


And as it was of no use to them, and the danger that Christianity had at that time of making the same mistake and putting their trust in the symbolic, in the shadows and ignoring the reality of the Consummation.



And then the apostle says, "But these things happened as an example to us, that we may not covet evil things as they coveted." Putting his trust in symbols and shadows was a form of greed; it was a way of working according to the flesh, because they were not exercising faith and were not knowing the truth of revelation and the fulfillment of the promise.


1 Corinthians 10:7 "Neither are you idolaters, as any of them, as it is written, did the people sit to what? to Eat and drink." Again, the apostle Paul points out that such attitudes, and putting this over-reliance on symbols, is a form of idolatry and gives as an example that Israel, partake of the Supper and partake of Baptism, and it was of no use to them.


Then he says to the Corinthians: Do not be idolaters, like some of them, as it is written: the people sat down to eat and drink.


Again, the apostle cites "eating and drinking," as one of the forms of idolatry, "when trust is placed in that which is material, in that which is touched and the fulfillment of the spiritual is unknown." So there's a problem there.


We read the Exegetical and Explanatory Commentary on the Bible, Page 381. Paul clearly hints at the importance given to these two rites by all Christians at the time.


Now you may wonder, did this happen only then? Or maybe it will happen too, in this then? In these times? Let Christianity place its trust excessively in what we can see and touch, and ignore the reality of fulfillment and meaning.


And the Exegetical Commentarygoes on tosay: "And if the virtual baptism of these of nothing served them to save them from the condemnation of greed." Neither will baptism or any other ceremony (in waters, or of bread and wine) of those save them!


Yes... what the Exegetical comment says is that these people put their trust in an excessive way in the symbolic and that did not save him. Ceremonies and rites do not save.


That is the message of the apostle Paul: "ceremonies and rites do not save;" and to put trust in ceremonies and rites is to ignore the consummation. It is to ignore the meaning of what has already been carried out, and of this, is what the apostle Paul is talking to believers so that they do not fall into that form of idolatry.


1 Corinthians 10:8. Let's not even force like some of them and 23,000 fell in one day. Verse 9, let us not tempt the Lord, as some of them tempted him and perished by the serpents, nor murmur. Verse 11, and these things happened to them as an example and are written to bother us. Verse 12, "So he who


think to be firm look that it does not fall." Everything that was happening, everything that happened in the people of Israel with the Israelites.


And what had happened was precisely what the apostle Paul was wanting, that the Corinthians would not fall that same hole. In that same void, in that same form of idolatry, why? because that same excessive way of putting their trust in symbols was what? Verse 8. "It was a fornication." Verse 9. It was, "tempt the Lord;" and precisely because of this 23000 had fallen then and perished by serpents.


Putting trust in symbols was not only idolatry, it was not only fornication, it was not only tempting the Lord, it was also a form of murmuring. Verse 10. And all this happened for what? so that what happened to them, does not happen to us.


That is, to put the confidence in that the water saves, as they put it.


Because: of course, Israel was saved, and Noah was saved by water! They were freed from the pharaoh who was chasing them, when the sea came and closed and killed those who persecuted the people. And the people of Israel attained deliverance or salvation.


·        The Completed Work and the Symbols.

Symbols are those things that happened for a reason, that have a meaning.


The problem is not the symbols; the problem is not knowing what the meaning is according to the times, according to the finished work of God.


For example. 1 Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 7, says, "For our Passover, which is Christ, has already been sacrificed for us."


So what is our Easter? Are we like the Jews still celebrating, putting our trust in bread, in wine? Are we still like them, trusting in water, trusting in those things that had meaning, but pointed towards the fulfillment of the Covenant?


Because our Passover, which is Christ. It was, past tense, sacrificed for us. In other words, it has already been fulfilled. Understanding this or not understanding it places me in the section of enlightened children, understood, knowledgeable, children of faith.


Or, on the contrary, in the section: "of the murmuring, idolatrous, fornicating children who tempt the Lord, for not knowing the work and the fulfillment of his promise."

1 Corinthians 5:8. So let us celebrate the feast, not with the old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and evil, but with unleavened bread, of sincerity and truth.




What is the party I celebrated today? The apostle says, "Let us not do it with the ancient leaven of malice and evil," but now we celebrate it, understanding that Christ our Passover has already been sacrificed for us.


If I do not realize that there was a fulfillment, and that in that compliment I have been clothed with Justice, I have been completed. "for you are complete in Christ;" if I do not realize it, or I do not know these things. If I keep putting my trust in the symbols; "I am celebrating the feast with the old leaven; with the leaven which, in the eyes of God, is a leaven of malice and evil."


Because this is a leaven, which does not yet recognize the work accomplished, but continues to wait. It is a leaven in which I am still in sin, I am still incomplete, I still do not understand the work of Consummation, I still do not understand: "That by a single sacrifice we have been made Perfect in the eyes of God through faith."


1 Corinthians 10:14. Therefore, my brothers, flee from idolatry, as I speak to you, judge yourselves, what I say.


Again, the apostle keeps talking about what? we read verses 1, 2 and 3. He is talking about the two great doctrines of that time in Judaism and Christianity: "The sacrament and the Baptism of Water."


And he is telling them, "Flee, you from idolatry." As he spoke to the sensible, see that the one who is firm does not fall. Why? Why keep trusting in symbols, in the material.


To continue like Thomas, that if I don't play I don't believe. No! We had to enter then into the fulfillment of the promise, faith, consummation, truth, realization, believing the words of Jesus who said, "It is finished."


So then, that I celebrate an Easter, how? "... for Christ our Passover has already been sacrificed for us."


Now I don't have to use bread. Yes? What is he still saying? So let us celebrate the feast, not with the old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and evil, but with bread. But what are those loaves like? ¡... and what are those loaves like? of sincerity and truth!


When I walk sincerity, indeed, in love, then I am celebrating with the right loaves. Yes? It is not that I used a bread, or a wine, or an oil brought from Israel, it is about me understanding the fulfillment, and using the correct loaves that are now called: "Sincerity and Truth", which are now called: Love, which is now called a Compliment.


For this Cup, Jesus said, is the new covenant; it is the Inheritance, it is the Fulfillment, and to do it of another, to believe it in another way is simply to fall into idolatry. That is why the apostle continues to say in 1 Corinthians 10:16, the Cup of blessing we bless.


Is it not a communion of the blood of Christ? What is the Cup then that we use? It is communion, it is unity, it is only love in the blood of Christ.


What are the breads we use? The breads of Sincerity and Truth, and Communion, which is the Cup of the Blood of Christ. This is understanding The Consummation.


That is to get out of idolatry, fornication, adultery, tempting the Lord, putting trust in symbols and believing that this will save me as the Jews believed and as the Christians of the first century believed.


They kept putting their trust in the symbols, and the apostle Paul said, No!

If they (the fathers of Israel) were not saved, "neither will you;" if you have the Lord, if you fornicate, if you do idolatry by turning your back on the consummation of the truth.


If you keep putting your trust in those things; It was of no use to them, and you are of no use to them!


1 John 1:7. But if we walk in light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his son, cleanses us from all sin.


I mean, this is the new covenant, this is the new Cup. These are the breads of Sincerity and Truth. This is a communion. Yes? This is communion, this is the sacrament.

To know the fulfillment of God's promise in our lives and not to turn our backs on eternal truths, then celebrating every day, the feast, not with the old leaven, if not with loaves of sincerity and with loaves of truth.


Again, 1 Corinthians 10:16. The Cup of blessing that we bless, that is, that third Cup; "it is the communion of one another." It's unity, it's sincerity, it'ss truth, it's love. It is trust, it is supporting us, it is helping us, it is unifying us that is the Cup of blessing.


And the fourth Cup, of course: It is "the Consummation of all things in Christ."  It is to understand, that the perfect sacrifice was carried out in such a way that our consciousness is awakened and cleansed "once and for all, in the love of him, who did all things under an eternal purpose."


Do not miss, then, the third part and share thank you very much.

To read part 3-Breaking Ourselves as a Bread (The Idolatry of the Lord's Supper)

Part N.2 (Danger of falling into Idolatry)




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